Saphan Taksin
Saphan Taksin is a station on Silom Line of the Bangkok BTS and MRT. For more details view the ExploreBangkok interactive BTS and MRT map centered on this station.
Basic facts
English | Saphan Taksin |
ไทย | สะพานตากสิน |
Located on | Silom Line |
Code | S6 |
Tips near Saphan Taksin
Looking for the tourist boat to the Palace? Take Exit 2 and head to the pier on the left of the overhead roadway. Want a private Water Taxi or quick shuttle across the water? Take Exit 1 and head to the pier to the right of the overhead roadway.
Sep 21, 2016
Find free ferry ride to asiatique (opens 4pm daily) here. Free ferry departs at the very end platform.
Mar 23, 2018
乘搭BTS到『Saphan Taksin站』,从2号出口出,再转搭免费的ASIATIQUE Shuttle Boat前往~Asiatique
Dec 16, 2018
First train/Last train
Photos near Saphan Taksin
Copyright: LamAlvin
Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.